What is Brain Mapping (QEEG)
Brain mapping attempts to relate the brain's structure to its function, or finding what parts give us certain abilities. For example, what aspect of our brain allows us to be creative or logical? This is called localization of function.
It helps understand the cortical electrical activity in the brain. It can show if activity in the brain is too high or too low, and it can reveal how your brain cells are communicating with each other. It can be helpful in many ways, including:
• Identifying cognitive and psychiatric problems
• Showing how your brain wave patterns can be improved
• Predicting medication response, such as how you are likely to respond to antidepressant medication
• Providing valuable information in creating a personalized treatment plan (which may include biofeedback techniques such as neurofeedback) to help balance your brain
• Tracking your progress with different therapies and treatments
• Providing objective information used to create your personalized neurofeedback program or other guide other therapies, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), to strengthen your brain
In conjunction with brain SPECT imaging, qEEG gives us additional information about how your brain functions and can be used for baseline information as well as to track progress with treatment. We can use the information from qEEG as a guide to determine the most effective solutions to help you change your brain and improve your memory, boost focus and attention, reduce depression, minimize anxiety, and enhance overall performance.
This valuable data helps explain specific behavior patterns, allows us to better target the most beneficial treatment protocols, and often allows more rapid and smooth results from neurofeedback training. While not everyone needs a brain map, it can be an immensely valuable tool and one we discuss with every client.
• Depression
• Anxiety
• Panic disorder
• Migraines
• Tension headaches
• Cluster headaches
• Anger management for children
• Obsessive-compulsive disorder
• Improved Memory
• Sleep problems
• Overall brain health
People struggling with mental health symptoms may benefit from an evaluation that includes qEEG testing.
Also known as brain mapping, this process allows you to visualize inside the brain and identify very clearly the irregular brainwaves that cause neurological issues. From that brain map, a report is generated for each patient that shows the areas of dysfunction and the protocols recommended to address them.
Brain mapping attempts to relate the brain's structure to its function, or finding what parts give us certain abilities. For example, what aspect of our brain allows us to be creative or logical? This is called localization of function.
QEEG is noninvasive, painless, and safe to use. The electrodes in the cap that are placed on the scalp are like a “read-only” program that receives signals from the brain. The electrodes do not alter brain activity in any way; they simply reveal areas where brain wave activity is healthy, underactive, or overactive.

We can help you with...

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD)
Adoption Issues ( Children and Adults)
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Couples and Family Counseling
Migraine, Tension and Cluster Headaches and Chronic Pain
Bereavement Issues
Anxiety and Panic Disorders
Depression and Dysthymia
Sleep Disorders
Mindfulness Training
Relaxation Techniques and meditation
Behavioral Problems (anger, impulsivity, low self- esteem and Attachment Disorder (RAD)